Campus Resources

Students with Disabilities: Lehman College is committed to providing access to all programs and curricula to all students. Students with disabilities who may need classroom accommodations are encouraged to register with the Office of Student Disability Services. For more information, please contact the Office of Student Disability Services, Shuster Hall, Room 238, phone number: 718-960-8441.

Preferred Names: According to Lehman College, a preferred name may or may not be a legal name. A preferred name is generally used to change how others refer to you. For this purpose, students may identify a preferred name to be recorded in the student system. Documents and records that may display a preferred name include, among other things, course rosters, student identification cards, student email addresses, and other documents issued by the University.

To change the name that is displayed/reflected on an official academic record, diploma, or transcript, students must follow the instructions on the Personal Data Change Request Form available in the Office of the Registrar. Official and legal name changes require specific documentation outlined on that form. 

Please see the following links on updating your preferred name and other personal information on CUNYFirst:

After a change to your preferred name is entered into CUNYFirst, your preferred name should be reflected in Blackboard. If this does not occur, please contact [email protected] to make the change in Blackboard. 

Instructional Support Services Program: Instructional Support Services Program offers tutoring services on campus. ISSP provides tutoring in the humanities, social sciences, and writing, as well as general writing and academic skills workshops. To obtain more information about ISSP, please visit their website at

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism: Students are responsible for the honest completion and representation of their work, for the appropriate citation of sources and for respect of others’ academic endeavors. Students who violate these standards will be confronted and must accept the consequences of their actions. Included among the most rigorous sanctions for student academic misconduct is a lowered overall course grade, a failing grade in the course, disciplinary probation, and /or expulsion from the College. Please refer to your student handbook for further clarification on the academic integrity policy.

Resources for Undocumented Students: “As an educator, I fully support the rights of undocumented students to an education and to live free from the fear of deportation. If you have any concerns in that regard, feel free to discuss them with me, and I will respect your wishes concerning confidentiality.  Furthermore, I am committed to making CUNY a sanctuary campus for undocumented immigrants, not just in word but in deed – through the campus community refusing to allow ICE to enter our campus and refusing to cooperate with and struggling to prevent any government attempts to ascertain the immigration status of members of our community or to detain or deport undocumented immigrants.” Other Resources:

Food Assistance: Food apartheid impacts people’s access to affordable food and groceries. The term “food apartheid” describes the racist and oppressive systems that create inequitable food environments. Lehman College offers to support for students experiencing difficulty accessing food.  Lehman College’s Food Bank is located in the Student Life Building, Room 108 and is open on Wednesdays from 10am-8pm and Thursdays from 10am-4pm. Please make an appointment at Lehman also provides students with grocery gift 9 cards through the food bank, free food through on-campus distribution events, and help applying for SNAP (see here). Register here for on-campus food distribution events.